J. Quinn Lee, PhD
Postdoctoral Researcher
My name is Quinn, and I am a CIHR postdoctoral research fellow in the Brandon Lab at McGill University (Montreal, QC, Canada). Prior to joining the Brandon Lab, I completed my PhD at the University of Lethbridge with Drs. Robert Sutherland and Robert McDonald studying how long-term memory is organized at the systems-level in the brain. My current work in the Brandon Lab aims to understand how various aspects of space, experience and memory are represented in neuronal population activity in distributed brain systems. To this end, I use a combination of miniscope calcium imaging, advanced behavioural analysis, and computational methods to explore specific questions about neural representation and behaviour.

Lee and Brandon (2023). Time and experience are independent determinants of representational drift in CA1. Neuron, 111(15): 2275-2277.
Lee, McHugh, Morgan, Sutherland, and McDonald (2022). Behaviour-driven Arc expression is greater in dorsal than ventral hippocampus regardless of task or sex differences. Behavioural Brian Research, 423: 1-10.
Sutherland, Lee, McDonald, and Lehmann (2020). Has the multiple trace theory been refuted? Hippocampus, 30(8): 842-850.
Lee, Demchuk, Morgan, McHugh, McNaughton, Sutherland, and McDonald (2019). Place navigation in the Morris water task results in greater nuclear Arc mRNA expression in dorsal compared to ventral CA1. Hippocampus, 29(11): 1133-1138.
Lee, McDonald, and Sutherland (2019). Hippocampal damage causes retrograde amnesia and slower acquisition of a cue-place discrimination in a concurrent cue-place water task in rats. Neuroscience, 412: 131-143.
Lee, LeDuke, Chua, McDonald, and Sutherland (2018). Relocating cued goals induces population remapping in CA1 related to memory performance in a two-platform water task in rats. Hippocampus, 28(6): 431-440.
McDonald, Balog, Lee, Stuart, Carrels, and Hong (2018). Rats with ventral hippocampal damage are impaired at various forms of learning including conditioned inhibition, spatial navigation, and discriminative fear conditioning to similar contexts. Behavioural Brain Research, 351: 138-151.
Lee, Sutherland, and McDonald (2017). Hippocampal damage causes retrograde but not anterograde memory loss for context fear discrimination in rats. Hippocampus, 27(9): 951-958.
Lee, Zelinski, McDonald, and Sutherland (2016). Heterarchic reinstatement of long-term memory: A concept on hippocampal amnesia in rodent memory research. Neuroscience and Biobehavioural Reviews, 71: 154-166.
Published Papers
Course Instructor Université de Bordeaux (CAJAL Advanced Neuroscience Training Program) In vivo calcium imaging with open-source miniscopes (Full Time) 11/21 – 12/21
Course Instructor University of Lethbridge. In vivo calcium imaging with open-source miniscopes (Full Time) 06/22
Computational Neuroscience Workshop Instructor Université de Montréal (Montreal Neuroscience and Artificial Intelligence Meeting) 12/22
Visiting Faculty Quest University, Neuropsychology (Full Time) 09/17 – 09/18
Teaching Assistant University of Lethbridge, Neuroscience (Part Time) 09/14 – 04/19
2019 Postdoctoral Researcher at McGill University. Emphases: rodent calcium imaging, behavioural analysis, navigation, memory, machine learning, deep learning, and reinforcement learning.
2014 – 2019 Graduate student at the University of Lethbridge. Emphases: animal behavioural analysis, cellular imaging, pharmacology, brain systems supporting memory and navigation.
2010 – 2014 Undergraduate student at Quest University. Emphases: behavioural neuroscience, molecular biology, genomics, and disease-associated gene expression in age-related visual diseases.
Awards, Recognition
2022 CIHR Postdoctoral Fellowship Amount: $150,000 CAD
2021McGill University Dr. David T.W. Lin Fellowship Amount: $20,000 CAD
2019 FRQS Postdoctoral FellowshipAmount: $105,000 CAD
2018 NSERC CGS-D Alexander Graham Bell Award Amount: $ 70,000 CAD
2018 NSERC CREATE Research Travel Award (Doctoral) Amount: $4,000 CAD
2018 University of Lethbridge Research Travel Award (Doctoral)
Amount: $1,500 CAD
2016 NSERC CREATE Doctoral Award Amount: $55,000 CAD
2016NSERC CSD-M Alexander Graham Bell Award Amount: $17,500 CAD
2015 NSERC CREATE Research Travel Award (Masters)Amount: $4,000 CAD
2015 University of Lethbridge Research Travel Award (Masters) Amount: $1,500 CAD
2014 NSERC CREATE Masters AwardAmount: $17,500 CAD
2014 University of Lethbridge Dean’s Scholarship Amount: $10,000 CAD
2010 Quest University Presidential Scholarship Amount: $24,000 CAD
J. Quinn Lee, PhD
Postdoctoral Researcher

2019 Postdoctoral Researcher at McGill University. Emphases: rodent calcium imaging, behavioural analysis, navigation, memory, machine learning, deep learning, and reinforcement learning.
2014 – 2019 Graduate student at the University of Lethbridge. Emphases: animal behavioural analysis, cellular imaging, pharmacology, brain systems supporting memory and navigation.
2010 – 2014 Undergraduate student at Quest University. Emphases: behavioural neuroscience, molecular biology, genomics, and disease-associated gene expression in age-related visual diseases.
Course Instructor Université de Bordeaux (CAJAL Advanced Neuroscience Training Program) In vivo calcium imaging with open-source miniscopes (Full Time) 11/21 – 12/21
Course Instructor University of Lethbridge. In vivo calcium imaging with open-source miniscopes (Full Time) 06/22
Computational Neuroscience Workshop Instructor Université de Montréal (Montreal Neuroscience and Artificial Intelligence Meeting) 12/22
Visiting Faculty Quest University, Neuropsychology (Full Time) 09/17 – 09/18
Teaching Assistant University of Lethbridge, Neuroscience (Part Time) 09/14 – 04/19
Awards, Recognition
2022 CIHR Postdoctoral Fellowship Amount: $150,000 CAD
2021McGill University Dr. David T.W. Lin Fellowship Amount: $20,000 CAD
2019 FRQS Postdoctoral FellowshipAmount: $105,000 CAD
2018 NSERC CGS-D Alexander Graham Bell Award Amount: $ 70,000 CAD
2018 NSERC CREATE Research Travel Award (Doctoral) Amount: $4,000 CAD
2018 University of Lethbridge Research Travel Award (Doctoral)
Amount: $1,500 CAD
2016 NSERC CREATE Doctoral Award Amount: $55,000 CAD
2016NSERC CSD-M Alexander Graham Bell Award Amount: $17,500 CAD
2015 NSERC CREATE Research Travel Award (Masters)Amount: $4,000 CAD
2015 University of Lethbridge Research Travel Award (Masters) Amount: $1,500 CAD
2014 NSERC CREATE Masters AwardAmount: $17,500 CAD
2014 University of Lethbridge Dean’s Scholarship Amount: $10,000 CAD
2010 Quest University Presidential Scholarship Amount: $24,000 CAD
Lee and Brandon (2023). Time and experience are independent determinants of representational drift in CA1. Neuron, 111(15): 2275-2277.
Lee, McHugh, Morgan, Sutherland, and McDonald (2022). Behaviour-driven Arc expression is greater in dorsal than ventral hippocampus regardless of task or sex differences. Behavioural Brian Research, 423: 1-10.
Sutherland, Lee, McDonald, and Lehmann (2020). Has the multiple trace theory been refuted? Hippocampus, 30(8): 842-850.
Lee, Demchuk, Morgan, McHugh, McNaughton, Sutherland, and McDonald (2019). Place navigation in the Morris water task results in greater nuclear Arc mRNA expression in dorsal compared to ventral CA1. Hippocampus, 29(11): 1133-1138.
Lee, McDonald, and Sutherland (2019). Hippocampal damage causes retrograde amnesia and slower acquisition of a cue-place discrimination in a concurrent cue-place water task in rats. Neuroscience, 412: 131-143.
Lee, LeDuke, Chua, McDonald, and Sutherland (2018). Relocating cued goals induces population remapping in CA1 related to memory performance in a two-platform water task in rats. Hippocampus, 28(6): 431-440.
McDonald, Balog, Lee, Stuart, Carrels, and Hong (2018). Rats with ventral hippocampal damage are impaired at various forms of learning including conditioned inhibition, spatial navigation, and discriminative fear conditioning to similar contexts. Behavioural Brain Research, 351: 138-151.
Lee, Sutherland, and McDonald (2017). Hippocampal damage causes retrograde but not anterograde memory loss for context fear discrimination in rats. Hippocampus, 27(9): 951-958.
Lee, Zelinski, McDonald, and Sutherland (2016). Heterarchic reinstatement of long-term memory: A concept on hippocampal amnesia in rodent memory research. Neuroscience and Biobehavioural Reviews, 71: 154-166.