Jennifer Robinson, PhD
Postdoctoral Researcher
Prior to joining the Brandon lab, I earned my Masters degree from Concordia University, working with Drs. Andrew Chapman and Richard Courtemanche. Following this, I completed my PhD with Sylvain Williams at McGill University. The focus of my work was to investigate the role of septal glutamatergic neurons in the septo-hippocampal network. Currently, I am interested in exploring how the subpopulations of septal neurons contribute to theta rhythms and grid cell generation in the entorhinal cortex. I am co-supervised by Drs. Mark Brandon and Michael Hasselmo at Boston University.

Robinson JC, Ying J, Hasselmo ME, Brandon MP. Medial septum GABAergic neurons mediate grid cell spatial periodicity. In preparation. 2023.
Robinson JC, Wilmot J, Hasselmo ME. Septo-hippocampal dynamics and the encoding of space and time. Trends in Neuroscience. July 2023.
Alexander A*, Robinson JC*, Chapman GW, Do Q, Stern CE, Hasselmo ME. Gated transformation from egocentric to allocentric reference frames involving retrosplenial cortex, entorhinal cortex and hippocampus. Hippocampus. March 2023. PMID: 36861201. (*indicates equal contribution)
Bott JB*, Robinson JC*, Manseau F, Williams S. Medial septum glutamate neurons are essential for spatial goal-directed memory. Biorxiv, Revisions in preparation for Nature Communications (NCOMMS-19-03963) (*indicates equal contribution): DOI: 10.1101/2022.03.16.484657
Robinson JC, Brandon MP. Skipping ahead: a circuit for representing the past, present and future. eLife. October 2021. PMCID: PMC8516414
Hasselmo ME, Alexander AS, Hoyland A, Robinson JC, Saudargiene A, Dannenberg H. The unexplored territory of neural models: Potential guidelines for exploring the function of metabotropic modulation. Neuroscience. February 2021. PMCID: PMC7541517
Alexander AS, Robinson JC, Dannenberg H, Kinsky NR, Levy SJ, Mau W, Chapman GW, Sullivan DW, Hasselmo ME. Neurophysiological coding of space and time in the hippocampus, entorhinal cortex and retrosplenial cortex. Brain and Neuroscience Advances. December 2020. PMCID: PMC7708714
Keinath AT, Nieto-Posadas A, Robinson JC, Brandon MP. DG–CA3 circuitry mediates hippocampal representations of latent information. Nature Communications. June 2020. PMCID: PMC7296021
Dannenberg H, Alexander AS, Robinson JC, Hasselmo ME. The role of dynamical functions for coding in episodic memory and cognition. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. June 2019. PMCID: PMC7195804
Robinson JC, Chapman CA, Courtemanche R. Gap Junction Modulation of Low-Frequency Oscillations in the Cerebellar Granule Cell Layer. Cerebellum. April 2017. PMID: 28421552
Robinson J, Manseau F, Ducharme G, Amilhon B, Vigneault E, El Mestikawy S, Williams S. Optogenetic activation of septal glutamatergic neurons drive hippocampal theta rhythms. Journal of Neuroscience. March 2016. PMCID: PMC6601761
Isingrini E, Perret L, Rainer Q, Amilhon B, Guma E, Tanti A, Martin G, Robinson J, Moquin L, Marti F, Mechawar N, Williams S, Gratton A, Giros B. Resilience to chronic stress is mediated by noradrenergic regulation of dopamine neurons. Nature Neuroscience. February 2016. PMID: 26878672
Courtemanche R, Robinson JC, Aponte DI. Linking oscillations in cerebellar circuits. Frontiers Neural Circuits. July 2013. PMCID: PMC3725427
Published Papers
2011 – 2017 Doctorate of Philosophy, McGill University | Montreal, Canada | Neuroscience
2007 – 2010 Masters of Science, Concordia University | Montreal, Canada | Health, Kinesiology, & Applied Physiology
Course Instructor Carleton University. Using Electrophysiology and Optogenetic Techniques to Explore the Neural Basis of Learning and Memory (Full Time) 01/2017-04/2017
Teaching Assistant Concordia University, Applied Physiology(Part Time) 09/2007 – 09/2010
Awards, Recognition
Academic All Canadian. Concordia University (2008)
Jennifer Robinson, PhD
Postdoctoral Researcher

2011 – 2017 Doctorate of Philosophy, McGill University | Montreal, Canada | Neuroscience
2007 – 2010 Masters of Science, Concordia University | Montreal, Canada | Health, Kinesiology, & Applied Physiology
Course Instructor Carleton University. Using Electrophysiology and Optogenetic Techniques to Explore the Neural Basis of Learning and Memory (Full Time) 01/2017-04/2017
Teaching Assistant Concordia University, Applied Physiology(Part Time) 09/2007 – 09/2010
Awards, Recognition
Academic All Canadian. Concordia University (2008)
Robinson JC, Ying J, Hasselmo ME, Brandon MP. Medial septum GABAergic neurons mediate grid cell spatial periodicity. In preparation. 2023.
Robinson JC, Wilmot J, Hasselmo ME. Septo-hippocampal dynamics and the encoding of space and time. Trends in Neuroscience. July 2023.
Alexander A*, Robinson JC*, Chapman GW, Do Q, Stern CE, Hasselmo ME. Gated transformation from egocentric to allocentric reference frames involving retrosplenial cortex, entorhinal cortex and hippocampus. Hippocampus. March 2023. PMID: 36861201. (*indicates equal contribution)
Bott JB*, Robinson JC*, Manseau F, Williams S. Medial septum glutamate neurons are essential for spatial goal-directed memory. Biorxiv, Revisions in preparation for Nature Communications (NCOMMS-19-03963) (*indicates equal contribution): DOI: 10.1101/2022.03.16.484657
Robinson JC, Brandon MP. Skipping ahead: a circuit for representing the past, present and future. eLife. October 2021. PMCID: PMC8516414
Hasselmo ME, Alexander AS, Hoyland A, Robinson JC, Saudargiene A, Dannenberg H. The unexplored territory of neural models: Potential guidelines for exploring the function of metabotropic modulation. Neuroscience. February 2021. PMCID: PMC7541517
Alexander AS, Robinson JC, Dannenberg H, Kinsky NR, Levy SJ, Mau W, Chapman GW, Sullivan DW, Hasselmo ME. Neurophysiological coding of space and time in the hippocampus, entorhinal cortex and retrosplenial cortex. Brain and Neuroscience Advances. December 2020. PMCID: PMC7708714
Keinath AT, Nieto-Posadas A, Robinson JC, Brandon MP. DG–CA3 circuitry mediates hippocampal representations of latent information. Nature Communications. June 2020. PMCID: PMC7296021
Dannenberg H, Alexander AS, Robinson JC, Hasselmo ME. The role of dynamical functions for coding in episodic memory and cognition. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. June 2019. PMCID: PMC7195804
Robinson JC, Chapman CA, Courtemanche R. Gap Junction Modulation of Low-Frequency Oscillations in the Cerebellar Granule Cell Layer. Cerebellum. April 2017. PMID: 28421552
Robinson J, Manseau F, Ducharme G, Amilhon B, Vigneault E, El Mestikawy S, Williams S. Optogenetic activation of septal glutamatergic neurons drive hippocampal theta rhythms. Journal of Neuroscience. March 2016. PMCID: PMC6601761
Isingrini E, Perret L, Rainer Q, Amilhon B, Guma E, Tanti A, Martin G, Robinson J, Moquin L, Marti F, Mechawar N, Williams S, Gratton A, Giros B. Resilience to chronic stress is mediated by noradrenergic regulation of dopamine neurons. Nature Neuroscience. February 2016. PMID: 26878672
Courtemanche R, Robinson JC, Aponte DI. Linking oscillations in cerebellar circuits. Frontiers Neural Circuits. July 2013. PMCID: PMC3725427